
+45 7562 7900
CVR: 29205272

Strategy and organization

Nordstern will be a sustainability leader within the property development and construction industry in Denmark. We work According to an environmental, social and governance policy known as ESG. Our specific ESG goals enable Nordstern to reduce our climate and environmental impact of our buildings. At the same time, we are working to improve our social efforts. Our sustainability strategy is an integrated part of our processes. Nordstern’s sustainability team supports and develops our initiatives. We also have an internal sustainability organization with representatives from all parts of the company

Sustainability Strategy

We are considerate and aware of our impact on climate and environment, and, for the resources we use, at Nordstern, we therefore follow a sustainability strategy that will help us reduce our negative impact as much as possible.

Our sustainability strategy builds upon three main areas:

  1. To become carbon neutral towards 2050 via ambitious reduction targets,
  2. To contribute actively to making buildings more sustainable,
  3. To attract and develop the talents of the future.

In the video below, we review our strategy and the goals we are working towards 2030.

The UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Nordstern’s sustainability strategy is based on five of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, enabling us to contribute positively to a more sustainable development for the individual, and for our planet.

We work with the following goals:

3. Good health and well-being,
8. Decent work and economic growth,
9. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure,
11. Sustainable cities and communities,
12. Responsible consumption and production.

Sustainablility Organization

Since 2020, Nordstern’s internal sustainability organization has been responsible for developing and implementing initiatives aimed at reducing Nordstern’s negative impact on climate and the environment, meeting our environmental and social responsibilities, and addressing our clients’ demands for more sustainable construction.

The new sustainability organization is cross-organizational to strengthen knowledge sharing, facilitate the development of sustainable initiatives, and ensure continuous progress in our pursuit of each sustainability strategy objective.

ESG rapport

Download vores seneste ESG rapport for Nordstern ApS.

ESG rapport 2024

Initiatives for a Responsible Construction Process at Nordstern Construction Sites

At Nordstern, we are committed to reducing resource consumption and minimising the environmental impact of our construction projects. As part of our strategy for responsible construction, we have established a range of concrete measures to ensure more efficient and sustainable management of materials and resources.

Construction sites play a key role in this effort, which is why we have implemented standards focusing on waste management, energy consumption, and materials.

To support this, our employees use a tailored overview of the measures to be implemented on-site. This serves as a guide, outlining how various initiatives can be put into practice in each specific case.

Several initiatives involve collaboration with regular suppliers; however, alternative solutions may be chosen if they offer more advantageous terms. The key is to maintain a consistent effort to reduce environmental impact and promote responsible construction—regardless of the project’s size or scope.

By adhering to these initiatives, we contribute to buildings that prioritise resource efficiency and the responsible use of materials.

„CPH Porthouse is one of the three DGNB-certified buildings we have built at Sundmolen in Copenhagen. Nordstern was responsible for both the development and construction of the project – a process they handled professionally and properly from start to finish. As a client, we felt confident in Nordstern's handling along the way, and in March 2019 we were pleased to be handed over an almost defect-free building and on time.“

Lars Rahbek
Ejendomsudviklingschef, M+ Ejendomme A/S

Gladsaxe Health and employment centre

The ambition of the project is to achieve DGNB Gold and DGNB Heart. DGNB Heart is an award focusing on the health and well-being of people, i.e. creating a healthy and good indoor climate for employees and visitors.

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Use of solid CLT structures and recycled bricks.

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A project that incorporates circular economy principles and aims to reduce CO₂ emissions, for example, by mapping and reusing materials.

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Ny Skole i Ry

A school building designed to promote a healthy indoor climate for students.

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