Høje-Taastrup Town Hall
Turnkey contract
(Capital Region of Denmark)
+45 7562 7900
CVR: 29205272
700 new homes and 14,000 sq m of commercial and retail premises
Trælasten is the newest urban district in Aarhus, one kilometre from central Aarhus and right next to Godsbanen, Ceres Byen and Åen. The project has been developed in close collaboration with PensionDanmark and Aarhus Municipality. During the development phase, focus is on public involvement through consultations and public meetings in order to add value to the development of the area.
Trælasten will consist of 70,000 sq m divided into 80% residential units and 20% retail and commercial premises. The goal is for the residential units, shops and offices to be DGNB Gold certified and for the urban space to be DGNB Platinum certified.
The project combines CO2 savings through mapping and recycling of materials for new building components. Among other things, focus is on reusing as many materials as possible from the existing buildings.
The street level will have small shops, workshops, cafes, communal offices and a green area. The first residents in Trælasten will move in at the beginning of 2023.
Turnkey contract
(Capital Region of Denmark)
Turnkey contract / Development
(Eastern Jutland)
Ground Broken