Nordstern to build new district in Aarhus for the real estate company Olav de Linde
October 12, 2023

The real estate company Olav de Linde has chosen Nordstern as turnkey contractor for the real estate company's new urban development project in the Katrinebjerg area of Aarhus. KatrineTorvet will contain both residential and commercial buildings, as well as a parking basement and a unifying square that forms the heart of the new district.
KatrineTorvet is a new block of flats centrally located on Katrinebjerg in northern Aarhus, located along Møllevangs Allé on the stretch between Katrinebjergvej and Helsingforsgade. The buildings, squares and parks will be linked together by a publicly planted street connection, starting at the new district square, which connects the district with the university and Nordre Ringgade via Campus Strøget. The real estate company Olav de Linde is already building the Nabolaget in the same area – also a block consisting of a total of seven blocks.
The buildings form the end of the new link ("Ramblaen"), which starts from the university and ends at the square at Møllevangs Allé.
"KatrineTorvet will be a unique development on Katrinebjerg. With a focus on solid architecture and exclusive choice of materials with low operating and maintenance costs, we are creating a new urban environment that will definitely give Katrinebjerg a beautiful and functional new square with homes, offices, shops and cafés gathered around attractive outdoor spaces," says Morten Sparvath Thomassen, Project Director and Head of Architectural Office, Ejendomsselskabet Olav de Linde.
The square will be both a gathering point for the future residents, for existing citizens of Katrinebjerg and the attraction for the upcoming commercial leases. Among other things, there is the possibility of outdoor dining from a future café, and it is hoped that KatrineTorvet will add an extra urban gathering point to the attractive Aarhus district.
KatrineTorvet unites high and low with green block buildings and a distinctive urban high-rise building by the town square in a dense, unified composition with an urban character. The vision is that the project will offer new and exciting urban spaces, mixed forms of housing and public functions based on the idea of Katrinebjerg's special identity as Aarhus' creative and vibrant district.
"The real estate company Olav de Linde and the advisory team behind KatrineTorvet have great visions for the project, which we look forward to making a reality. Katrinebjerg is currently undergoing a major change, and we are pleased to once again be allowed to contribute positively to the development that the area and Aarhus are undergoing," says Torben Modvig, Group CEO, Nordstern.
Nordstern has already developed and built Augustshave on Katrinebjerg, which will be completed in early 2024.
The new residential and commercial area is expected to be completed by the end of 2027.
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